Compilations & Artists Julie has contributed to:

Christine Lavin's COOKBOOK and CD entitled ONE MEATBALL. All songs about FOOD. My song THE HEARTBREAK DIET is included, and my mother's recipe for Forgotten Cookies is also included.

I am so honored to have Nanci Griffith's version of my song GOODNIGHT, NEW YORK included in this amazing collection, the Official 9/11 Tenth Anniversary Album is in conjunction with the National September 11 Memorial & Museum At The World Trade Center Foundation
I am so honored that the wonderful singer Julia Wade has recorded another song of mine for this sterling collection. The song is entitled WHEN HE WALKS WITH ME. The whole record is exquisite!

This incredible collection produced by Reader's Digest
contains two of my songs
From A Distance & When He Walks With Me
Songs sung by their original writers running the gamut from Broadway to Country to Popular Music. Stephen Schwartz, Maury Yeston, Larry Gatlin to name just a few.
NEW WORDS is a beautiful Andrea Marcovicci compilation which features contemporary songwriters. My song "GOODNIGHT, NEW YORK" is included.
A CHRISTMAS SURVIVAL GUIDE is a compilation/soundtrack of a musical review by the same title. It features many OUTSTANDING artists, including the great Marin Mazzie who sings my song "CHRISTMAS EVE".
Christine Lavin does it again!
And I'm so happy to be a
part of this excellent
holiday compilation CD
Songs and Artists That Inspired Fahrenheit 9/11
I sing "From A Distance" on
this compilation
I'm currently writing a book called
and a
(I Am Gathering Stories)
I am thrilled to share my audio book with you so click here to hear some chapters.
Check back as I add more stories.

My friend Jo Gershman (jogershman.com) has illustrated a song of mine, entitled EVERY LIVING THING.
Singer/songwriter/actor/author Suzzy Roche (suzzyroche.com) has recorded a brand new version of that song.
Here is the cover page and accompanying song, for what promises to be a winning collaboration. It’s a love letter to Mother Earth, and EVERY LIVING THING…. Soon to be a children’s book.
From A Distance by Julie Gold and illustrated by Jane Ray

Series: Piano/Vocal/Guitar Artist Songbook
Publisher: Cherry Lane Music
15 songs from this talented singer/songwriter including the smash hit “From a Distance” and: America • Be God • Dream Loud • Every Living Thing • The Girl I Found • Good Night, New York • The Heartbreak Diet • Heaven • The Journey • Mountain of Sorrow • Southbound Train • Thanks to You • Try Love • When He Walks with Me.
Includes a biography, notes on each song, photos, and more.
The Stars in Our Eyes: The Famous, the Infamous, and Why We Care Way Too Much About Them
I'm so thrilled to have a short story of mine included in this magical little book about celebrities!